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Products by  "Hanukkah" and "Foam"

(8 items)
Star of David Stress Toys - 12 Pc.
Star of David Stress Toys - 12 Pc.
Per Dozen #14148551
Legend of the Dreidel Ornament Craft Kit - Makes 12
Legend of the Dreidel Ornament Craft Kit - Makes 12
Makes 12 #14324672
6" x 8 3/4" Bright Hanukkah Menorah Mobile Foam Craft Kit - Makes 12
6" x 8 3/4" Bright Hanukkah Menorah Mobile Foam Craft Kit - Makes 12
Makes 12 #14469961
3 3/4" x 5 3/4" 3D Hanukkah Gingerbread House Foam Craft Kit - Makes 12
3 3/4" x 5 3/4" 3D Hanukkah Gingerbread House Foam Craft Kit - Makes 12
Makes 12 #14469993
Mini Torah Scrolls Craft Kit – Makes 12
Mini Torah Scrolls Craft Kit – Makes 12
Makes 12 #14279020
Silver Glitter Centerpiece Containers - 3 Pc.
Silver Glitter Centerpiece Containers - 3 Pc.
3 Piece(s) #13952840
20% OFF
6 1/2" x 5 1/2" 3D Happy Holidays Foam Craft Kits - Makes 12
6 1/2" x 5 1/2" 3D Happy Holidays Foam Craft Kits - Makes 12
Makes 12 #14469966
Live Laugh Latke Sign Craft Kit - Makes 12
Live Laugh Latke Sign Craft Kit - Makes 12
Makes 12 #14092602
50% OFF